Saturday, April 25, 2015

32 Weeks

Last Sunday marked 32 weeks of this pregnancy. My how time has flown! In less than a month we have our home visit with our midwife, and soon we'll be in the "normal birthing window" - weeks 37-42. Both baby and Mom are still looking and sounding healthy. Baby is head down, on the left side, but not quite anterior (baby's spine closer to the belly vs. the spine). You want baby to be in the LOA position (Left side of the body, Occipital Anterior) for the easiest labor and delivery.

Baby #1 (Left) vs. Baby #2 (Right)

As you can see, I got my hair cut! Seventeen inches is being donated to Children With Hair Loss. I had been wanting to cut my hair for a while. It was just way too long and getting in the way. I must say, this is probably the first shorter hair cut that I've had where I DIDN'T want long hair within a week of the cut. It has just enough sass and pzazz for me to fully enjoy the shorter length.

I have noticed recently that I've been getting crankier and more easily agitated lately. Reflecting on that I realized that I have had no bodily autonomy since December 2012, when we conceived Dan. Almost 2.5 years of being pregnant and/or nursing - part of that simultaneously! No wonder why I'm itching to get away and do something with just ME and FOR me. Not sure what I plan to do yet. I was thinking of catching a movie, but nothing looks interesting enough for the price (or I haven't seen the first movie of the series). So we'll see what I end up doing to do a little pampering for myself. Maybe just having a day to deep clean something in the house will be a good start. Bonus with that idea is that something gets cleaned in the house! That is something that doesn't happen too often with a husband, two dogs, and a toddler who is very "helpful" around the house.

Other than that, we are planning out our raised garden in our back yard. Right now this is one of the ideas we're working in. We definitely need fencing around the outside as there is at least one rabbit in the neighborhood. I also need to get some 5-gallon buckets for the tomato plants that I have going. I plan on painting those with spray paint so they don't look like 5-gallon buckets. I might do something fun with the paint. I have some spray paint already so I'm thinking paint them all black then take the silver and do an ombre effect with the solid sliver on the bottom and lighter on top. Could be fun.

Still waiting on Dan to pick up some adult words. Sometimes it sounds like he's trying, but it's not consistent. "Blueberry" is one word that he seems to try. I only say that because his most common sound is "da." Anything outside of that I'm thrilled with! I know that boys tend to develop language a bit later than girls on average, but my patience is starting to wear down and my worries are starting to mount. At least he does understand adult words, so really it's just a matter of time before he starts using them himself. I'm sure that as soon as he does start talking it will soon be constant (and I'm sure it will be defiant at times - can't wait until the "no" stage :/ ) and I'll be kicking myself for wondering why I wanted him to talk in the first place!

So I'll end with a few pictures from the last few weeks. Enjoy and take care :)

Easter 2015

All set for a family funeral.

Hanging out with Mom's cousins
(yes, these are my aunt's sons which makes them Dan's 1st cousins once removed)
Too funny not to post :)

My aunt Sara, my Mom, my Grandma, and me all wearing clothes my sister either got rid of from her own closet or gave as a gift. This was NOT planned!

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