Monday, June 30, 2014


Almost 2 weeks ago we finally made it up to the lake for the first time this year. The weather was beautiful! The mosquitoes - well - let's say MN knows how to grow 'em big!

We left WI for my Mom's house on Wednesday after Jason and I got done with work. Dan has been overall very good with the long car rides. Jason drives the whole way most of the time while I'm in back with Dan to keep him company. The dogs have always driven well so that has been wonderful since Dan needs a little attention to keep him occupied during those long trips. All week we had been getting rain so before we left I wanted to make sure that our back up sump pump was up and running. After starting our remodel of our lower level, I don't want a single second to go by without the sump pump working! Turns out, we should have looked closer at the box earlier because we needed to buy a battery for the back up. Both Jason and I thought the battery was included with the kit. Oh well, live and learn - and cross your fingers!

There was a lot of finger crossing on Thursday as we were having lunch with my Mom at her work. Jason had wanted to stop in for lunch so she could see Dan for a little bit. While on the way to her work, we were in a flash flood watch. With the rain pouring down like there was no tomorrow, I was getting nervous about the rain we were getting at home. The stories of her coworkers friends who had 5-8 inches of standing water in their basement (with no sump pump) only made my worries intensify. If only I had a webcam to check on the basement! We were fortunate that our pump did indeed work perfectly throughout the weekend, and we came home to a dry basement.

The first day at the lake was pretty uneventful. Got the place set up and started checking to see what needed to get done. The lawn needed mowing, there was a tree that fell down at the end of the driveway to the place that needed removal, and the boat hadn't been taken out of storage yet. So while Jason was out grabbing a few more food items, Dan and I played. He ended up crawling into the kennel, so I shut the door while he played a bit. As you can see, he wasn't impressed ;)  Really, he does enjoy playing with the kennel - when you grab on and jump around it makes noise!

Really Mom?
Saturday was spent in town. Mom and Jeff had come up the night before to spend the weekend with us. The original plan was for Jason and Jeff to go golfing Saturday morning, but when they got there they learned that it would cost them over $200 to play! Sunday, however, it was $40 each if I'm not mistaken, so they changed their tee time. Nisswa had an art fair the weekend we were up so we checked that out. I ended up purchasing this canvas for the cabin from Vince Quast of Creations Image. It now sits above the hutch in the living area. Mom really liked it, plus it felt right for the space. While in town, we of course took advantage of getting Dan on the vintage rides that are scattered around town. Check out the video of Dan on the horse in front of the Totem Pole!

 After some shopping we went back to the lake for Dan's first boat ride. I think he was pretty nervous as he was holding onto his life jacket for dear life! No fussing though so at least he felt comfortable enough to enjoy it a little bit.

First boat ride!
 Soon after we got back it was off to the beach. Dan has been swimming before, but never at a beach. He was crawling around the sand like this....

...because of how the sand felt on his skin. He seems to really enjoy it though! He was moving everywhere, picking up stones and sticks along the way. But the real fun began when we got him in the water! The lake was pretty comfortable thanks to the warm weather we have had so far this year.

Splashing in the water.

We also went to the beach again on Sunday, which is when these pictures were taken (below). This time we had the dogs with us. Trooper loves running up and down the shoreline barking at the waves coming in. Khail - well - he could do without the water. I'm not upset about that fact. Have you ever tried drying off a Siberian Husky who has 3-inch thick fur? The water wasn't quite as warm as it was on Saturday so we didn't spend as much time at the beach. Rachel came up Saturday night so she at least was able to join us for a little at the lake.

Trooper checking in on Dan.

I had known that I wanted to take Dan to Dairy Queen for the first time while at the lake since going to the Nisswa DQ has been a tradition for decades now. We waited until Rachel was there so she could be there as well. Verdict: Dan likes it! Well, minus any brain freeze :) Here is a video of his first taste of DQ. Before we headed into town between swimming and DQ, we played at the cabin. Dan has been doing this dance while I sing a family song that my Mom's side of the family sings. Don't mind the coughing in the video. I'm still working through a cold/sinus infection. cream!

Brain freeze!
Right when we were done with ice cream, Great-Grandpa Croswell came over with Betty to visit. The last time he saw Dan, Dan was only 1 month old. It was really nice to see Grandpa and Betty. Both seem to be doing very well. Grandpa was showing off his new cane, telling stories, and enjoying watching Dan run around.

First time meeting Dan - 10-11-13
With Great-Grandpa Croswell - 10-22-14
Once Grandpa and Betty left, so did Mom, Jeff, and Rachel. They all had to work on Monday. Jason and I took the boat out one more time. I took the camera out with me so I could work on getting some better pictures of the loons. We had one couple that stuck around the front of the cabin that had two chicks. Between Margaret Lake and Upper Gull Lake, there were 4 loon couples with chicks. Over the entire weekend, I took over 1,200 pictures of loons alone! I'm still going through them, so one of these days you'll get to see some of the shots. Jason mentioned again that I should pick a few out and start selling them. I've thought of doing that before, so I may start pursuing it soon. In the meantime, here are a few pics of Dan on the boat.

Is this how you steer the boat Dad?

Enjoying being on the water.
 We didn't do much the last day at the lake. Dan spent a lot of time playing and getting underfoot while we tried to clean up. Trooper was a great distraction once in a while. He is so good with Dan! We still need to keep on reminding Dan that he needs to be nice with the dogs. Overall he does a very good job, but he his only 9 months old so there are still LOTS of reminders!

That evening when we got back to Mom's place, we went out to eat with my Grandma. She didn't know we were in town until a few hours earlier so she just kept us company at the restaurant. She had fun reading to Dan and playing with him while we ate. Dan tried walleye for the first time there. He did a much better job playing with the pieces I was giving him than actually getting them into his mouth, but he's getting better at feeding himself.

Dan is very focused on his book.

Playing with the straw.
After supper, we stopped by Great-Grandma Solarz' place for a generational picture.

Four generations.
 We left for WI right after we woke up Tuesday morning. After a long weekend at the lake and hours of traveling, and crawling/walking around everywhere, Dan was pooped. We're looking forward to heading back to the lake again! When, I'm not sure, but when we do it will be fun-filled once again. Take care everyone!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

39 weeks, 7 days

So while I sort through all the pictures from the cabin, I thought I would write this post. The title 39 weeks, 7 days was chosen for a reason. I delivered Dan when I was 39 weeks, 7 days gestation. Last Wednesday, June 18th marked 39 weeks and 7 days since his delivery. To mark this occasion, here are a few pictures followed by Dan's birth story.

39 Weeks, 6 Days - Day I went into labor. Dan arrived the following morning.

39 Weeks, 7 Days old!

Dan’s birth story:

Tuesday morning (September 10th), I noticed what I thought were contractions as I was getting ready for work. I decided not to tell Jason since I wasn’t sure if these were just stronger Braxton Hicks contractions, or if it was the beginning of the real thing. I kept an “eye” on them all morning, but they had disappeared by lunchtime. That evening, I got a few more, but they didn’t bother me at all. Before heading to bed I made a mental note that I may be going into real labor soon, despite me thinking I have at least two weeks to go.

The next morning, I felt the contractions again. I told Jason this time that I was feeling them. I don’t think he quite understood what I was telling him because he replied “OK,” and kept on getting ready for the day. By lunchtime I had noticed that the contractions were still there and becoming quite regular. I sent a text to my midwife, Jan, to let her know that I thought I was in early labor. Once we got back from lunch, I opened up an Xcel file and the clock on my computer and started tracking. For the next hour I tracked my contractions. They were coming regularly at 5-7 minutes apart and lasting for roughly 30-45 seconds. I told my coworker that I probably wasn’t going to be in the next day.

By the time I got home, I knew that I was for sure in early labor. I told Jason this and this time it registered that things were happening. I needed to get a few things from the grocery store so we headed out soon after I got home. While we were out I took my blood pressure, since it had been getting closer to pre-eclamptic. The top number was over 140, but the bottom number was still okay. I made the mistake of telling my Mom this when I called to let her know I was in labor. She of course freaked out, as I knew she would. I, on the other hand, knowing that freaking out wouldn’t do any good, was calm and collected. I obliged and called my friend who has her own blood pressure cuff and stethoscope. She checked and my blood pressure was still borderline. Using her knowledge in acupuncture, she hit a few trigger points to help labor along and to reduce my blood pressure.

Jan at this point was with another mama in labor. She would call every few hours to check on my progress. I tried to take a nap around 9pm, but after an hour that proved to be fruitless. I drew myself a bath, but only stayed in for about a half hour. Finally by 11 things were really moving along. While I could still talk through contractions, they were starting to become a bit more of a challenge to work through. I called Jan and told her where I was and how I was feeling. She called Pam, her midwife assistant, to let her know to start on her way to my place. While waiting for Pam, I was on the exercise ball working my way through contractions.

Pam arrived around 12:30am. She checked my cervix and I was about 5cm dilated and roughly 75% effaced. I threw my fist up in the air, happy that I had progressed that far. Pam then got to setting up the birthing tub. While I never planned on a water birth, that’s what ended up happening. Before getting in the tub, however, we needed to check my blood pressure. I ended up laying on my left side in the bed for 30-60 minutes. When Pam took my blood pressure, it was normal! So into the tub I got. It was such a relief! I didn’t like laboring “on land” let alone on my side. Around this time we called my Mom again, letting her know that I was in active labor. She was coming from the Minneapolis area so she had quite the drive ahead of her. Not knowing if she wanted to be there for the birth, we wanted to give her plenty of time to make the trip.

Jan finally showed up around 5 or 6am. I wasn’t paying attention to the clock very closely. I do distinctly remember Jason sleeping on the bed while I was laboring in the tub though! At this point I was close to transition. Jan checked my cervix around 8am. I was just over 8cm dilated and almost 100% effaced. Dan’s head was right there at about zero station, waiting to come down. The sac and amniotic fluid were in the way. I decided to try and break the sac on my own, but gave myself a 30 minutes time limit. I didn’t want to work too hard before the real work came! After 30 minutes came and went, Jan ruptured my membranes. Nice and clear! Back in the tub I went. I started pushing around 9am. Jason was smart and took his ring off before giving me his hands to help with this stage. With Jan, Pam, and Jason by my side, Daniel John arrived at 10:10am on Thursday, September 12th: a hefty 8lb 2oz, and 21.75 inches long. It was absolutely incredible! About 20-30 minutes later, I delivered the placenta. I handed Dan off to Jason while I got out of the tub. Dan was nursing soon after. Latched on beautifully on the right – took a couple weeks to get a good latch on the left. While Dan was technically 1 day early, Jan placed him at 41 weeks gestation based on physical indicators. As a side note, she kept on talking about how big his hands and feet were! 

Moments after Dan's birth

Dad and Mom checking on Dan while skin-to-skin.

 About and hour after Dan arrived, my Mom and her boyfriend got to the house. They had brought Subway for lunch. So after Jan finished up with me (only 2 “skid marks” that were glued up – perfectly intact perineum!), the five of us had lunch in my bedroom. 

The homebirth was everything I thought it would be and more! I can’t wait to have another little one. 

First family picture :)

Friday, June 13, 2014

Dan is 9 Months Old!

Sorry that I haven't written anything the last week or so. At lot, and yet not much has been happening. We're still plugging away getting the lower level finished. We have now demolished the downstairs bathroom and waiting on getting some wires moved. Apparently the electricians who were part of the construction thought that it was a-OK to run an electrical wire under the shower pan. I think he has a lead deficiency. Or a temporary moment of insanity. We picked up the new doors for two of the openings. Jason wants to make the bathroom door a pocket door so we are still hunting for the best deal for that. The closet door in the office is a weird size so that will need to be special ordered - YAY :/ We also picked up a new area rug for the family room downstairs. The main thing that needs to be done right now is finishing up the baseboards so we can start moving furniture back into place. Too bad both Jason and I work 40+ hours a week, otherwise this would have been done already!

At Menards

Outside Steinhafels after looking for a new office desk.

Anyway, now onto the most important point of this post. Dan is now 9 months old!

9 Months Old!
He is weighing in at 24.6 pounds and 29.25 inches long. He has two teeth that are fully cut with one more up top that is partially cut. The fourth one, also up top, is close behind. It's amazing that in just a few short weeks he has gone from no teeth to 3! He's still crawling everywhere to get from point A to point B. However, give him a walker and he will cruise until he bumps into something. He will probably be walking on his own in the coming weeks. We were in trouble before. Once he's walking we're really in trouble! His mobility also makes is quite difficult to get a decent picture of him next to his moose. Here are a couple "outtakes."

I don't want to take pictures.

I'm going to get you Mama!

In less than a week we will be at the lake. The last time Dan was there he was 4 weeks old. This time it should (hopefully) be warm enough to take a dip in the lake! We'll have to see. He's really enjoying spending time outside, and we try to get out as much as possible on nice days. The only problem now is that he is putting everything in his mouth! Before it was only rocks and other hard objects. Now it's sticks, Maple tree seeds, grass...

Not a fan of Maple tree seeds.

Bear crawling around the yard.

In preparation for the mosquitoes (can you ever REALLY be prepared for them?) I'm making our own insect repellent. The last few years I have become very interested in natural and holistic health for a number of reasons. One of which is that going more natural is not as harsh on the environment, the other is that it is not as harsh on our own bodies. So I'm using THIS RECIPE to make our own. I recently became a Young Living Essential Oils distributor so I get the oils at a discount. One 4oz solution is costing around $12, including the spray bottle which I can reuse. When we get back I'll let everyone know how the solution worked.

Things we're looking forward to:
  • Dan's first Brewers baseball game this weekend for Father's Day
  • Heading to the lake for the first time this year
  • The 3rd Annual FOP (Fraternal Order of Police) Golf Outing
  • A finished basement!
Take care!