Thursday, June 26, 2014

39 weeks, 7 days

So while I sort through all the pictures from the cabin, I thought I would write this post. The title 39 weeks, 7 days was chosen for a reason. I delivered Dan when I was 39 weeks, 7 days gestation. Last Wednesday, June 18th marked 39 weeks and 7 days since his delivery. To mark this occasion, here are a few pictures followed by Dan's birth story.

39 Weeks, 6 Days - Day I went into labor. Dan arrived the following morning.

39 Weeks, 7 Days old!

Dan’s birth story:

Tuesday morning (September 10th), I noticed what I thought were contractions as I was getting ready for work. I decided not to tell Jason since I wasn’t sure if these were just stronger Braxton Hicks contractions, or if it was the beginning of the real thing. I kept an “eye” on them all morning, but they had disappeared by lunchtime. That evening, I got a few more, but they didn’t bother me at all. Before heading to bed I made a mental note that I may be going into real labor soon, despite me thinking I have at least two weeks to go.

The next morning, I felt the contractions again. I told Jason this time that I was feeling them. I don’t think he quite understood what I was telling him because he replied “OK,” and kept on getting ready for the day. By lunchtime I had noticed that the contractions were still there and becoming quite regular. I sent a text to my midwife, Jan, to let her know that I thought I was in early labor. Once we got back from lunch, I opened up an Xcel file and the clock on my computer and started tracking. For the next hour I tracked my contractions. They were coming regularly at 5-7 minutes apart and lasting for roughly 30-45 seconds. I told my coworker that I probably wasn’t going to be in the next day.

By the time I got home, I knew that I was for sure in early labor. I told Jason this and this time it registered that things were happening. I needed to get a few things from the grocery store so we headed out soon after I got home. While we were out I took my blood pressure, since it had been getting closer to pre-eclamptic. The top number was over 140, but the bottom number was still okay. I made the mistake of telling my Mom this when I called to let her know I was in labor. She of course freaked out, as I knew she would. I, on the other hand, knowing that freaking out wouldn’t do any good, was calm and collected. I obliged and called my friend who has her own blood pressure cuff and stethoscope. She checked and my blood pressure was still borderline. Using her knowledge in acupuncture, she hit a few trigger points to help labor along and to reduce my blood pressure.

Jan at this point was with another mama in labor. She would call every few hours to check on my progress. I tried to take a nap around 9pm, but after an hour that proved to be fruitless. I drew myself a bath, but only stayed in for about a half hour. Finally by 11 things were really moving along. While I could still talk through contractions, they were starting to become a bit more of a challenge to work through. I called Jan and told her where I was and how I was feeling. She called Pam, her midwife assistant, to let her know to start on her way to my place. While waiting for Pam, I was on the exercise ball working my way through contractions.

Pam arrived around 12:30am. She checked my cervix and I was about 5cm dilated and roughly 75% effaced. I threw my fist up in the air, happy that I had progressed that far. Pam then got to setting up the birthing tub. While I never planned on a water birth, that’s what ended up happening. Before getting in the tub, however, we needed to check my blood pressure. I ended up laying on my left side in the bed for 30-60 minutes. When Pam took my blood pressure, it was normal! So into the tub I got. It was such a relief! I didn’t like laboring “on land” let alone on my side. Around this time we called my Mom again, letting her know that I was in active labor. She was coming from the Minneapolis area so she had quite the drive ahead of her. Not knowing if she wanted to be there for the birth, we wanted to give her plenty of time to make the trip.

Jan finally showed up around 5 or 6am. I wasn’t paying attention to the clock very closely. I do distinctly remember Jason sleeping on the bed while I was laboring in the tub though! At this point I was close to transition. Jan checked my cervix around 8am. I was just over 8cm dilated and almost 100% effaced. Dan’s head was right there at about zero station, waiting to come down. The sac and amniotic fluid were in the way. I decided to try and break the sac on my own, but gave myself a 30 minutes time limit. I didn’t want to work too hard before the real work came! After 30 minutes came and went, Jan ruptured my membranes. Nice and clear! Back in the tub I went. I started pushing around 9am. Jason was smart and took his ring off before giving me his hands to help with this stage. With Jan, Pam, and Jason by my side, Daniel John arrived at 10:10am on Thursday, September 12th: a hefty 8lb 2oz, and 21.75 inches long. It was absolutely incredible! About 20-30 minutes later, I delivered the placenta. I handed Dan off to Jason while I got out of the tub. Dan was nursing soon after. Latched on beautifully on the right – took a couple weeks to get a good latch on the left. While Dan was technically 1 day early, Jan placed him at 41 weeks gestation based on physical indicators. As a side note, she kept on talking about how big his hands and feet were! 

Moments after Dan's birth

Dad and Mom checking on Dan while skin-to-skin.

 About and hour after Dan arrived, my Mom and her boyfriend got to the house. They had brought Subway for lunch. So after Jan finished up with me (only 2 “skid marks” that were glued up – perfectly intact perineum!), the five of us had lunch in my bedroom. 

The homebirth was everything I thought it would be and more! I can’t wait to have another little one. 

First family picture :)

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