Monday, March 30, 2015

18 Months and 28 Weeks

So since my last post, Dan has reached his 18 month "birthday" and I have come to 28 weeks gestation. About a week before Dan's 18 month appointment we got a letter from the doctor's office that had us go through a slew of milestones that Dan should be hitting at this time. The first page was all verbal. The choices for each point were "always," "sometimes," and "never." With most of the verbal points, Dan was more in the "sometimes" and "never" categories. He has always been so focused on his physical development that the verbal just hasn't been a major focus for him. This was very evident when continuing through the document as it hit on the various physical milestones that he should be doing or starting to do. At this point we aren't too concerned that he doesn't have any true words as he is communicating what he needs via sign language, pointing, and other gestures. He does understand what we're saying as evidenced by asking him to point things out, asking simple commands, etc.  and he is able to point out the objects we mention, follows commands, and what not. However, if he hasn't started adding words by the time baby comes we need to start thinking about getting him evaluated to see if there isn't anything that is preventing him from physically forming words.

So, for stats: Dan now weighs in at 27 pounds and 9.2 ounces, putting him in the 87th percentile for weight. Definitely won't be blowing away in any summer storms! He is 2 feet 8 inches tall, putting him in the 23rd percentile for height. Jason wants to stretch Dan out so he ends up taller than both of us, but we'll see how he ends up growing. He's a strong, solid kid that's for sure! Just the strong and silent type :)

As for me, I'm now 30 weeks gestation at this time, but as I only take belly pics every 4 weeks, I'm including my 28 week picture. You can really see the difference in how I'm carrying this baby vs. Dan. A lot of it I'm contributing it to all the yoga that I've been doing since Dan was born. Not only have I continued teaching, but I have also done additional training focusing on core work and now prenatal yoga teacher training as well.

Baby #1 left vs. Baby #2 right
On top of the additional yoga work, I also haven't gained as much weight at this time compared with Dan, and I overall have a better heath regimen using more simple, non-toxic products not only for health and beauty but also for around the home, and being more conscious about what I'm eating - less processed foods, more organic when I can, etc. Baby is still moving around a ton and as of my last appointment is in the LOA position - left occipital anterior - which is the ideal position for an easy delivery. Here's to hoping he stays there until delivery! Jason and I have a name we like, but haven't officially settled on it. More than likely the name we have will end up being the baby's name in the end. Just like Dan's name, this one is also a strong and more traditional name.

And yes, my hair is ridiculously long. I have an appointment in a little more than a week to get it cut. Not sure exactly what I'm looking for, but it will be significantly shorter and more manageable!

In other news, Jason and I took a trip out to San Diego and Los Angeles at the beginning of the month. Once I finally get through the 1000+ pictures we took I'll write a post on that.

I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the spring weather that's been creeping in! Take care :)

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